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Is ‘free-range’ parenting the key to healthier, happier children?

atoav 2021-08-17 06:27:08 +0000 UTC [ - ]

I (and 3 brothers) grew up coming and going as we pleased, spending a lot of time in the woods, skating outside, reading or playing gameboy somewhere etc. We had great childhoods and grew into stable and good grown ups as far as I can tell. My parents always trusted me, so I trust them as well. However the danger with that kind of parenting is that your kids mistake it with not caring. Be there for your kids, but also let them make their own experiences.

raxxorrax 2021-08-17 07:45:43 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Depends on where you are. In a large city probably not, in a smaller village it is probably best to to let them do just that. The outside has to compete with TV and video games, so let them have some fun.

I think the US is known to prosecute parents that let their kids roam too freely, at least according to the stereotypes.

MeinBlutIstBlau 2021-08-16 19:45:18 +0000 UTC [ - ]

What this article fails to mention is that "free range" kids causes them to interact with the world on their own without understanding the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately we live in a police state where there is no leniency for misunderstandings or just being flat out ignorant. It's illegal to not know the law and anybody can pursue you for any infraction. It's hard to experiment and learn when you have family members that are paranoid on your behalf to prevent lawsuits.

jl2718 2021-08-16 21:35:00 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Pedantic, but it’s not illegal to not know the law; it’s just not an excuse if you violate it. It’s also practically impossible for a human to know the law, but it’s also practically impossible to arrest everybody, so best bet is to just go full lemming and do whatever you see everybody else doing.

Digression: I just thought of a fictional justice system for a fantasy/sci-fi novel. There are no laws, but 1% of the country is incarcerated at all times. A prosecutor bringing trial against a defendant must find someone currently in jail, and a trial is conducted where a jury votes on which to send to jail, and which to free.

MeinBlutIstBlau 2021-08-17 03:05:56 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Which is honestly a joke seeing as laws are so convoluted and complicated, it's impossible to know all the laws. So every day you walk in public you risk someone being annoyed enough to try to get you arrested.