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Show HN: List of the top 100 open startups (with revenue displayed)

lamineio 2021-08-16 07:58:56 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Hi HN, Lamine from MakerLead here.

There are many websites with open startups data (startups that share their revenue and metrics), but I always had trouble getting a clear view on how well these startups were performing.

So I did the work. Now people can filter the data with the little input box on top of the table, and also sort through it (sort by name, revenue, description by clicking on the column name)


The data is aggregated using NodeJS and I use ReactJS to display the data in a table form.

All the data points are stored within a Postgresql database

Source of the data:

The data is sourced from the website indiehackers where founders can plug their Stripe account directly.

Later I plan on adding visualizations, charts and more. And also diversifying the data sources.

This is the first version I put together and just launched. Your feedback is appreciated!

Cheers, Lamine

fromfar 2021-08-16 16:03:04 +0000 UTC [ - ]

This is super cool. I love the simple interface. One thing I don't really get is the 48h and 7d revenue change. It doesn't really seem useful to track revenue so granularly as it's just capturing day-to-day fluctuations. I would personally be more interested in seeing 1mo, 6mo, 1yr revenue change. I'm guessing though that you only have data points as far back as you started working on this project.

Also what source is providing revenue data that is updated as frequently as every 48h?

lamineio 2021-08-16 18:56:22 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Thank you for the support!

I will definitely be adding 1mo, 6mo revenue once I have the data history.

At the moment, I source the data from indiehackers which itself sources it from Stripe accounts of founders.

I figured later on, we could plug founders stripe accounts directly into MakerLead, and thus access those revenue history in an easier manner.

(btw I'm livestreaming live my google analytics if you're interested lol

Cheers, Lamine