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Ask HN: Preparations for FAANG Job

certeoun 2021-08-18 10:02:44 +0000 UTC [ - ]

I think this topic was exhaustively covered in many parts of the Internet (Stack Exchange, HN, YouTube, ...). I noticed that questions such as these get asked very often: "What programming language or framework to learn in 202X?", "How to get into FAANG?", ... The answers are basically rehashes of past answers. Not many changes, but people still can't get enough of it.

Also, you can use the search function on HN. It is very good! (I use it often.)

Just avoid click-bait and content farming websites or content creators (on YouTube and elsewhere). I would avoid influencers too.

redcat77777 2021-08-17 12:34:27 +0000 UTC [ - ]

you can find what you need on the Internet, there is a lot of blogs where people describe what have they done.

You can be biased after working in FAANG companies. They have a stream of people that want to work there, they have money to hire a lot of them. They have no incentive to increase productivity or change suboptimal processes. You will learn that their work style is the best work style. That will be not true.

This profession is not for poor people anymore. it's a gig economy. everything can change. in last 15 years stuff got easier, but somehow getting into IT companies is harder. there is a lot of added complexity where things should be easier (js webframeworks are the same shit as php webframeworks, nothing changed, js programmers think they are awesome but they repeat the same shit). this thing will blow up. there is no worker shortage. there is a shortage of workers who can accept bullshit. you will be treated like garbage, you will be exploited, you will be forced to work long hours and you will benefit nothing from it (you will spend more money on making yourself happy). you like CS? cool. get a normal job, save money, find yourself a wife, have a home, do projects on the side - some of them might click

pulse7 2021-08-17 11:27:32 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Learn the leading tech by creating some non-trivial web, desktop and mobiles apps from scratch.

certeoun 2021-08-18 11:49:51 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Learning fundamentals is my way too!

Instead of APIs, learn the fundamental algorithms that those APIs provide. Instead of OpenGL, learn rendering algorithms (raserization, Bresenham etc.). The same applies for other frameworks such as Vue.js. Learn how to write a virtual DOM yourself. Learn how JS operates under the hood. Learn how to implement a hash table (std::unordered_map) and a dynamic array (std::vector); understand why you cannot simply delete a bucket when using the open addressing scheme. Learn C and memory management, since many other programming languages are influenced by C. Implement the algorithms in C if you are proficient enough in it (gives you a better understanding).