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Ask HN: Is there any parents and founders here?

ezekg 2021-08-19 16:45:57 +0000 UTC [ - ]

I'm 30, I have a wife, a toddler and another child on the way as well. I'm not sure I would classify my solo bootstrapped business as a "startup", but bootstrapping a business with a family is definitely doable. I ran my business on the side for years before reaching the point where I could do it full-time. I work 7am–6pm most days, and never work on weekends unless things "break." I try my best to prioritize my family above my work, even if that doesn't always happen.

You don't have to "grind" at the expense of your family (i.e. what you're working for!) like the influencers continually tout.

Was it hard? Absolutely. Is it still hard? Absolutely. But I absolutely think it's doable. You're not late.

langfo 2021-08-19 05:17:29 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Life will continue to get busier. Once they are over 5 and sports activities and creative activities start you'll be driving around for training, games etc. At least by then you will be enjoying uninterrupted sleep again. As a 30 year old software developer, I had a startup going great just a few years prior to kids and into the early years of my 3 children. I found the technologies I learnt and used on the startup project allowed me to utilize those skills in my job and be more efficient and a more valued worker. I did have another partner who grew the business and I just focused on the tech. I would suggest to just start and see what happens. I know many 40+ dads who have ventured down the path of an MBA which to me is serious commitment compared to what I was doing with a software side project!

lamida 2021-08-19 05:27:15 +0000 UTC [ - ]

I want to be more present during children golden period time. I want to nurture their curiosity, problem solving and creativity, so that they can be better than me in their careers and life. Of course I want to continue to be present as they grow older too. But as they older the attention span needed should be not as much as before.

Yeah I think I should start with simple software side project and taking it slow but steady.

codingdave 2021-08-19 12:52:59 +0000 UTC [ - ]

It is possible, but you need to carve your own path. If you do the full startup grind, you won't have time. If you run your kids through the grind of various after school activities and classes, you won't have the time. But if you think carefully about what you really need, the project needs, and the kids need... you can still meet all the needs.

Set aside time for all of the above. When it is time to spend time with kids, really spend time with them instead of chauffeuring them around to have other people spend time with them. Do things with your family, and then sit down and focus on the project.

I'm not saying it will be easy. It will be harder on all fronts, and it probably is not the answer for most people. But it can be done.

smackeyacky 2021-08-19 05:03:53 +0000 UTC [ - ]

I did it in my late 40s, I don't think age is an impediment but finances might be. I have 3 children, two adult aged, one at high school and one still semi-dependent at University. Lucky my wife has a well paying job and is tolerating my low pay while we bumble along. Not sure I'm really waiting for the "high compensation at exit" though, more just really wanted to scratch an itch and do something for myself.

lamida 2021-08-19 05:07:46 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Nice point. I also understand age factor is a myth in determining business success, as presented by Ali Tamaseb in his book Super Founders. About finance, I am thinking to continue working hard and as employee while saving aggressively, have family time and start some idea experimentation part-time. Once the children older, then only will start something more focusely.

tzm 2021-08-19 05:32:34 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Yes, totally possible to build a startup part-time. 35 is a great age (experience / energy), but insignificant towards specific success. Your personal situation is more of an indicator. Frankly, I recommend saving money while focusing on your network and/or personal brand. Work towards building a startup: quality people, innovative product, efficient process and cheap capital.

tarun_anand 2021-08-19 05:12:14 +0000 UTC [ - ]

Right here.. Founder in 40s..

Don't sweat.. If there are systems and processes you will be able to manage after an initial period of grind